Friday, October 7, 2011

Thin as a rail or fat as a whale...

A weight is just a number. For some people it's a happy number, for some people it's a sad number. Some people envy other's people number, and some people just like to talk about people's number. We all fit in one of these catagories.

Why people worry about their weight, I don't know. I'm fat and happy, or fluffy and excited...whatever you are, you should just be happy. WEIGHT is JUST A NUMBER. It's a number on a scale, it's a number on paper, or it's a number in our head. People should love the way you are, because you love the way you are. If you want to change the way you are, and only you then do something about it, but if you are happy with what you look like, be happy. Be excited, and live life to the fullest.

Some people just want to see you fail, but they're really are people rooting for you.

SO, people need to stop talking about all this weight issue. Be happy, Live free, stop being nosey!

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