Monday, October 10, 2011

alsdkf;awjerfna;jvn <<<< sorry there was a spider on my keyboard., I go to the Saucier mall aka Dollar General, alot. You should see some of the people who go there. I mean someone has to say this...

GIRLS: get some more clothes on...I know we're from Saucier and all, and all the girls are trashy, but seriously, don't go to the dollar store with a tank top for a baby, and shorts that could fit a 5 year old.

 BOYS: No one wants to know you beat your wife, so stop wearing them white shorts with holes in it....and get some shoes on! Old ladies...your old, get over it, so stop dressing like your in your twenties again, and get a bra on, no body wants to see that!

Sorry, somebody has to say it!!

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