Thursday, October 13, 2011

Don't run away from life...

Do you run away from the problems in your life...or do you hit them on top of the nail with the hammer? Why avoid what you can not get away from! People run from a lot of things....hate, prejudice, pessimists, and maybe run a little late. Are you running your life, or is it running you? Sometimes you might run from your past if it's bad enough. What happens when your lies become the truth, will you still run or will you seek help?

The world is not going to stop spinning, and everyday you're going to be faced with a new disaster...are you going to keep running, or you going to face your fears, and get the job done? Things come undone in happens, but don't run away, because it will just make you weaker as a person.

Sometimes we're so tired we run on fumes...and never stop to smell the roses. We overload ourselves, with selfish junk...when we don't do what is needed it just like having the sands slipping right through that glass...just wasted time. People run from love, all the time. They run from God, and they run from their husbands and wives.

If people stop running, and start facing their problems, the world would be one better place. We wouldn't have as many fights, and brake ups. But, sometimes running can be a good get in shape, running for president, having the runs....

So...I have one question for you...Do you run away when the times get tough, or do you stay and fight like a candle in the wind!!

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