Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hope you have Grahams of Moore fun on a Breesy day!

So, life lately has been interesting to say the least. LSU lost, the Saints lost, I'm losing fantasy basketball....this stinks!

I cried when the Saints hurt my heart so much.

Rollercoster....when I say that what do you think of? I think about my life. How it's up, and then down, and repeats that cycle over and over. When it gets to crazy, you want to puke...or just when you think it's over, Bam, something else happens. In the last couple days, I have come to terms with, I am my own person, and only I can make the path I take.

I take the GRE in 2 weeks. I have applied to 2 graduate schools. The first one being if you know me, you know I LOVE LSU. It's a dream of mine to go there. I'm working so hard to get a job over there, and to actually get into LSU. The second place I applied is good ole Southern Miss. What can I say it's easy to get of course it would be my 2nd choice. But, I know no matter what, I'm going to grad-school, and I'm pumped.

My bfffff Courtney is awesome...she's going with me, so I'm not a loner too bad, and stuck in school work like all the time.

anyways, I love Hosea Cracker.....he is awesomely awesome. I'm in love with him.

3 of my 5 fish died tonight....I cried. RIP Bach-3D, Mozart, and Calcium!

Peace and Blessings!

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