Wednesday, September 7, 2011

This was a great weekend...for a duck!

I spent this weekend looking for an ark, because it rained and rained and rained and get the picture.

People were scrambling to get to the store and get water and I understand, but water? If they just put some buckets out side they would have had all the water they ever wanted!
Tropical Storm was fun, but after 12 hours of non-stop rain...we started getting cabin fever. Ashton, Courtney, and me had to start looking for stuff today. Living in Saucier, your prone to be a's just how it is. We get the bright idea, lets drag Ashton around the yard like we're tubing on water. So, that's what we did, but instead of a boat we had a four-wheeler, and instead of a tub, we had a bread rack...Our original plan was to watch Disney movies, but who does that when we have mud outside?
Overall this weekend goes down in the memory books. IT WAS FUN!

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