Thursday, September 29, 2011

I want a love like....

Have you ever noticed Johnny and June Cash really did have a great story behind their love for each other? The song by Heidi C. is one of my favorites.... "I want a love like Johnny and June, ring of fire, burning on through, I want to walk to line with you. When you go I want to go too. Like Johnny and June."

Their is so much passion in those few words. Johnny and June over came so many things...and when she died, he couldn't go without her, so he died right after her. It's kind of like Noah and Allie on The Notebook...when she died, he died with her laying down together. Their love for each other was so strong, one couldn't live without the other. Another example of this is, Darcy and Johnny and June, they let pride get in the way of being with each other. Elizabeth didn't realize the good in Darcy until it was almost to late, but she did, and it ended up being one of the best love stories around. Noah and Allie over came different things, her moving away, him going to war, her getting caught naked in Noah's house by her mom. Him almost losing her again, because she left. Her almost getting married.

Relationships were so passionate back then. There was real love for each other. These days, if you don't like your husband or wife, you just divorce them. That's just not right. When I find love, I want it all, the giddiness, the fighting slamming doors, the surprises, the sharing, the caring...I want everything that comes with it. I want a love like these loves gave. If you noticed no one has a pitch perfect love Noah said in the Notebook..."It's not going to easy, it's going to hard, but we're going to work at it everyday, all day." I think if couple these days really realize what they have and cherish it more, we wouldn't live in such a harshish world.

So, I guess, I want a love like Johnny and June, Noah and Allie, and Darcy and Elizabeth.

I wrote this in red for love and to support the cure for aids!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


It's Jersday...NFL Season opener which is Green Bay vs. The Saints....I'M PUMPED. I have my black and gold on, and black and yellow playing in the background.
British soldiers wore red coats so that when they were shot, their enemy couldn't see them bleed.I looked that up in a history kind of makes you wonder why the packers wears yellow pants? Make me wonder...

The Saints in the South is more then a football's like a tradition. When we won the superbowl in was amazing!
Peace, Love, and Dem Saints :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

This was a great weekend...for a duck!

I spent this weekend looking for an ark, because it rained and rained and rained and get the picture.

People were scrambling to get to the store and get water and I understand, but water? If they just put some buckets out side they would have had all the water they ever wanted!
Tropical Storm was fun, but after 12 hours of non-stop rain...we started getting cabin fever. Ashton, Courtney, and me had to start looking for stuff today. Living in Saucier, your prone to be a's just how it is. We get the bright idea, lets drag Ashton around the yard like we're tubing on water. So, that's what we did, but instead of a boat we had a four-wheeler, and instead of a tub, we had a bread rack...Our original plan was to watch Disney movies, but who does that when we have mud outside?
Overall this weekend goes down in the memory books. IT WAS FUN!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tales of an ER patient

Once upon a time...All tales start like that, so I figured mine would too!

Spending half your day in an hospital is not really what normal people tend to do. Hypochondriacs, yes! But, me? No. Especially when your in pain. If I wouldn't have known better, I would have thought Jesus done blessed me like Mary...but thankfully, the Lord knows me well enough, that me being a mother is scarier then a haunted house right now. I get up around 5ish in the morning, and my back was hurting. My first thought, "Man, I must of slept wrong." So I get up and start stretching, and make my way to the bathroom. The pain just got worst and worst. So I took some medicine and try and lay down...that didn't work, I made it to my computer desk and had to sit, the pain was consuming me, and I felt like I would die any moment because I couldn't breath. My mom came in and ask what's wrong, where's it hurt? I curled in a ball on the ball, because that was the only position that felt the least pain. Then I begin getting sick and we're not going into details...let's just say, it was decided I'm going to the hospital!

Leaving in Saucier, your 30 minutes or more from the nearest hospital. I gritted my teeth, and took on the drive. Every bump and stop and little movement had me clenching my pillow in pain. The ER lady who checked me in took one look at me and said, "you're going straight back!" I was so thankful, I didn't want to sit in a waiting room while my insides were ripping apart. I was put in a room for observation, and they even gave me a pain monitor. My spikes were so high, the doctor was amazed that I wasn't screaming out. 

After blood was taken, cat scans, and xrays too....the doctor finally came back after 3 hours of waiting...kidney stones, so many you can make stone soup. 2 were in my system trying to find there way out, while one is still in my kidney. Great, kidney stones, who knew...he sent me to a urologist, which really does smell there apple juice before drinking it, who knew! After spending from 7 in the morning to 4 in the evening in a hospital room, I was free to go, but only to return tomorrow where I had appointments lined up for different doctors. 

My ER visit was good, other then the pain, but that's okay, I met many new friends, and even talked to a few people in there own little rooms. I did learn one thing, if kidney stones are like giving birth.....bring on the kids!