Monday, April 16, 2012

Amazing, how that happens!

So, I get up early this morning as I always do...I get in my car and go to leave because I had PT at 7:45...I don't remember leaving the radio station on 91.7, but it was on there this morning...

I get in my car, and Britt Nicole's song "Walk on Water" is on...i suggest you listen to it if you haven't....but, anyway, the first words I hear of the song, "what are you waiting for? What do you have to were for more, don't be afraid to lose because faith is all it takes to walk on the water too."

I pondered that for a while, because lately I have done Megan's way, and it sure isn't working! What am I waiting for? A bright light, piano dropping on my head? What is holding me back from doing God's duty? Then my bitterness came out, oh yeah, no good job, bills....I'm struggling down here God!

Then after this the song God's not dead came on...I pondered again, I know your not dead God....but I still don't know what you want me to do?

Anyways, my morning was interesting, after arguing with God's but then understanding....I know I'm no where near the person I need to be, but me and God are working on it!

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