Friday, June 1, 2012

Hello, are you out there??

A wise woman once asked me (yesterday) "Megan, all your friends are getting married...doesn't that make you feel bad?"

To answer that question...its a toss up, yes and no, black and white, or however you want to answer it. No, I'm not mad, sad, or angry that my friends are getting married. That is great, I am so happy for them, (and hope they invite lots of single guys to the wedding), and sometimes it does bother me, because most of the time, I do go to these weddings alone or with girl friends. Yes, because I just sit and wonder, where is my happiness, my prince is armor (or fat boy in tin foil), my Micheal Hosea....

BUT, everything has a plan and reason behind it. Maybe I'm not meant to meet the man of my dreams at this moment in life, maybe I'm suppose to meet them 2 years down the road, 5 years or maybe even 10...I have a feeling God knows what he is doing, just because I don't, doesn't mean I should get impatient in the matter.

If the wise woman would have said that last year at this time, I would have thought differently. I would have felt bad, and even yelled at the good man above for making me wait so long. But it's not Megan's world, it's God's.

This following verse is so true. When I finally fall in love, it's going to be love, not lust. It's going to be 99% perfect....1 Corinthians 13:4-5 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking ...

This last year of my life, has really been a hard one for me personally. Most people (and even some of my close friends) doesn't know what I've went through, and most will never know, but know there is a God who loves you, and won't stop loving you...he will never give up nor forsaken you (pretty sure that's a bible verse). 

Lori 'Lolo' Jones is one of my personal heroes, because I am like her in so many ways. No, I can't jump over 100 hurdles in 2 seconds, but we have one thing common. I look up to her in so many ways. (If you want to read more about her, just click her name) Another lady I look up to is Mo Isom, who was a LSU soccer player. She influences me daily. 

I'll end with this....wait for Mr. Right, not Mr. Right now....because Mr. Right-Now, will leave you for his Mrs. Right.