Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving....pilgrim style!

I decided in honor of Thanksgiving, I would make turkey sandwiches for the homeless....obvi, there is no homeless people in Saucier, but I did give to a needy family, drank 24 Gatorades in a week, so the food pantry could have bottles to put things in, and bought food for the car behind me at chickfila! So, this week was a very successful week. Sometimes I forget how lucky I am for the life I live. Some people would die to have my life...and I sometimes take it for granted...I take that back, I more than sometimes take it for granted. If one person did one thing nice a week for someone, over 65 billion nice things would be done for people. That is alot, with only doing 1 thing a week. We are sometimes so selfish, like children with new toys. The world can change, and it takes that one person changing it. When Christmas time rolls around...I planned doing alot more nice things for people!